Rules and regulations form the basis of travel and tourism policy of a country which is indispensable for every visiting traveler. Therefore it is always advisable to collect as much information about the visiting country as possible as this will ensure a hassle free stay in the foreign land. If you are planning to visit India then make sure that you go through all the requisites of the travel and tourism policy. To make things simpler, eLand Holidays has jotted down the important and essential travel rules that will help you prepare for your India holidays.
Individual/Group Passport, Visa and Custom duty on baggage and goods are the three vital elements that make up these travel rules. For easier understanding of the subject, we have divided India travel rules into two subjects - Travel Policy India and Custom Rules India.
Travel Policy for India
Requirements for Entry/Exit
A valid passport and an entry visa are required to travel India for any reason be it tourism, business, education or any other purpose - travelers need to obtain an entry visa. Visitors must apply for visas at an Indian Embassy or Indian High Commissions prior to entering the country, as there are no provisions for visas upon advent. A passenger found guilty of traveling without an entry visa could be deported right away.
The Passport of the concerned person applying for the visa should have a validity of a minimum of six months ahead of the date of planned departure from India. Foreigners retaining nationality of any other country are requisite to hand in proof of long-term (at least three years)/ permanent residence in the country from where they are applying.
Tourist visa, business visa, student visa, transit visa, visa for missionaries, journalist visa, conference visa and employment visa are the various categories under which Indian visa can be obtained. Depending on specific requirement of the individual, these visas can be obtained from the Indian Embassy abroad or the respective High Commission. Those who are visiting India with plans of more than 180 days are required to register within 14 days of arrival with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) nearest to where they will be residing. The FRRO offices are in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Amritsar.
Exemption from Registration
Foreign travel rules India: Foreign nationals who are visiting India for a period of 180 days or shorter need not register themselves with any authority in country. They can freely move about in the country, except to the prohibited places, restricted and protected regions.
Indian Health Regulations
If foreign nationals arriving in India originate or transit through Yellow Fever endemic countries, Indian health regulations require them to present verification of vaccination against yellow fever. In case of unavailability of such proof, they could be subjected to immediate deportation or detention for six days in the yellow-fever quarantine center. If you transit through any part of Yellow Fever endemic country, even for one day, you are advised to carry proof of yellow fever immunization.
Custom Rules
For the convenience of passengers, airport check-in counter are bestowed with two channels. One is green channel, intended for travelers not having any of the dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage. On the contrary, the red channel is for passengers with dutiable articles or unaccompanied baggage or high-value articles (to be entered on the Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form).
Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form (TBRE)
Tourist Baggage Re-Export Form (TBRE) must be filled up with all the details of the dutiable articles, unaccompanied baggage, or high-value articles carried along with the passenger. These articles must be re-exported at the point of departure. A failure to re-export anything listed on the TBRE becomes a payable duty levied for every omitted item.
If the currency be it in form of cash, bank notes and travelers' cheques is up to US $1,000 or equal amount, then travelers need not declare it at the time of entry. But if the amount surpasses the set limit then the passenger has to reveal in the Currency Declaration Form, the total of foreign currency or travelers' cheques brought by them on arrival. There are no restrictions for those who complete this formality. This not only enables them to exchange the currency brought in, but also at the time of departure they can take back home the left over currency. Only authorized moneychangers and banks should be used to exchange money in any form be it travelers' cheques, drafts, bills, cheques, etc.
Custom Duties
The subsequent duty-free belongings are permitted: clothes and jewelry, cameras and up to five rolls of film; binoculars, a portable musical instrument, a radio or portable tape recorder, a tent and camping equipment, fishing rod, a pair of skis, two tennis rackets and gifts not exceeding a value of Rs. 600 (about $20).
There is no limit to carrying items of personal effects for tourists (other than citizens of Nepalese and Bhutanese origin) coming from their respective countries. Articles that exceed the duty-free allowance and articles imported as unaccompanied baggage can be cleared on payment of duty at the rate of 61.2% ad valorem. Separate rates of duty have been set for gold and silver.
Important Guidelines
* Please write down the accurate statement of your luggage.
* Walk through the Green Channel if your luggage is within the limits of free allowance.
* Travelers caught guilty with dutiable/prohibited possessions in the Green Channel are accountable
to prosecution/penalty and confiscation of goods.